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SteinLib Testsets

Here you find all instances included in the SteinLib so far. Each set consists of serveral problem instances as shown in column Probs.

If you follow the link to a test set you will find further information about the instances like origin, optimal values, and some difficulty classification.

The bullet behind the name of the set is an indication of the status of the set. dead means dead. There are various publications where these instances are solved. solved means solved. All the problem in the set are solved, but there are not at least two independent publications. unsolved means unsolved. There are problem in the set were the optimal value is not known.

Sparse, complete and other graphs

Name   Probs Nodes Graph and weight type
B dead 18 50-100 Sparse with random weights
C dead 20 500 Sparse with random weights
D dead 20 1000 Sparse with random weights
E dead 20 2500 Sparse with random weights
MC solved 6 400 Sparse and complete
X dead 3 666 Complete with euclidian weights
SP unsolved 8 6-3997 Sparse, artificially constructed graphs
PUC unsolved 50 64-4096 Sparse, constructed graphs
I080 solved 100 80 Sparse with incidence weights
I160 solved 100 160 Sparse with incidence weights
I320 solved 100 320 Sparse with incidence weights
I640 open 100 240 Sparse with incidence weights
1R solved 27 1250 2D Cross-grid-graph
2R solved 27 2000 3D Cross-grid-graph
P4E dead 11 100-200 Complete with euclidian weights
P4Z dead 10 100 Complete with random weights
P6E dead 15 100-200 Sparse with euclidian weights
P6Z dead 15 100-200 Sparse with random weights

VLSI derived grid graphs

Name   Probs Nodes Graph and weight type
ALUE solved 15 940-34479 Grid graph with holes, L1 weights
ALUT solved 9 387-36711 Grid graph with holes, L1 weights
DIW dead 21 212-11821 Grid graph with holes, L1 weights
DMXA dead 14 169- 3983 Grid graph with holes, L1 weights
GAP dead 13 179-10393 Grid graph with holes, L1 weights
MSM dead 30 90- 5181 Grid graph with holes, L1 weights
TAQ dead 14 122- 6836 Grid graph with holes, L1 weights
LIN open 37 53-38418 Grid graph with holes, L1 weights

Rectilinear graphs

Name   Probs Nodes Graph and weight type
ES10FST dead 15 12-24 FST-preprocessed rectilinear, L1 weights
ES20FST dead 15 27-57 FST-preprocessed rectilinear, L1 weights
ES30FST dead 15 43-118 FST-preprocessed rectilinear, L1 weights
ES40FST dead 15 55-121 FST-preprocessed rectilinear, L1 weights
ES50FST dead 15 83-143 FST-preprocessed rectilinear, L1 weights
ES60FST dead 15 109-188 FST-preprocessed rectilinear, L1 weights
ES70FST dead 15 142-209 FST-preprocessed rectilinear, L1 weights
ES80FST dead 15 147-236 FST-preprocessed rectilinear, L1 weights
ES90FST dead 15 175-284 FST-preprocessed rectilinear, L1 weights
ES100FST dead 15 188-339 FST-preprocessed rectilinear, L1 weights
ES250FST dead 15 542-713 FST-preprocessed rectilinear, L1 weights
ES500FST dead 15 1172-1477 FST-preprocessed rectilinear, L1 weights
ES1000FST solved 15 2532-2984 FST-preprocessed rectilinear, L1 weights
ES10000FST solved 1 27019 FST-preprocessed rectilinear, L1 weights
TSPFST open 77 89-17127 FST-preprocessed rectilinear, L1 weights

Steiner arborescence problems

Name   Probs Nodes Graph and weight type
GENE solved 11 267-602 Layered graph, unit weights

Group Steiner tree problems

Name   Probs Nodes Graph and weight type
WRP3 open 64 84-3168 Grid graph with holes, L1 weights
WRP4 solved 62 110-1898 Grid graph with holes, L1 weights

Hop-constrained directed Steiner tree problems in graphs

Name   Probs Nodes Graph and weight type
Relay open


Most of the files have been converted to have a uniform file format, some optimal solutions are gathered from papers and some data was typed in by hand or generated by automatic solution extraction programs.
While we took every effort to make no mistakes, we can not guarantee that everything is correct. If you find any errors or have doubts about a solution, please contact us.

Last Update : 2015/02/17 10:51:50 $ by Thorsten Koch
© 2001 by Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum für Informationstechnik Berlin (ZIB)